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Douvrin Ölwannedichtung


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Good day, I’m a fellow CXer from Serbia and have been following this great forum for a long time. I’m wondering has anyone installed the cellulose nitrile oil pan gasket on the Reflex Athena engine as made by Ajusa or Corteco since the original cork seems to be no longer available? Even CX Basis sells only the new one. I’m concerned about handling the weight of the engine long term since it rests on the oil pan, the original gasket has metal inserts where the bolts go.

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Dear giuffre,

I just can tell you from my experience that there is no problem about the nitrile gaskets at all. The reason for the original cork gasket was the fact that both sodes of the gasket are in alloy material. It is very difficult to remove a nitrile gasket without damaging the surface. So far, I always could manage it being very careful while doing it.

The problem about the cork gaskets is that they are not produced any more for a long time now. I mounted some originals that were leaking at once due to the age. The metal parts are just inside to avoid that you destroy the new gasket by tightening the screws too much. This is not necessary for the nitrile gasket of course.

After all, don't hesitate to use the Ajusa and Corteco gasket! I am driving every day with it for many years now, never lost any drop of oil on the gasket. (Elsewhere, yes ;-))

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This is just what I wanted to hear :) I know cork is a bad solution long term, especially being NOS and dried up but I couldn't find anything about the durability of the nitrile gaskets. I really wouldn't want to do the job again in the near future on the Douvrin if possible. Thank you so much.

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As for the leaks, Douvrins have a problem with clogged PCV valve, it's their only major problem as far as I know. I've just changed all the gaskets and hope for the best :)

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