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Xantia Zender front spoiler (front bumper plugin)


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Hello my friends , lets see this great bumper I think this item is made by Zender 

 anybody knows how or where I can get one for my X2 Xantia ?

i find this pics on net from this bumper :




please let me know

kindest regards

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Hello Masoud,

Thank you for your message! Yes, the front bumper shown in the picture is made by Zender. Its not the complete bumper, its an addon that is mounte onto the stock bumper. The first two picture show the car of @Nightmare. He had to search quite long until he found it, as the unit is not produced by Zender anymore. Christian (@Nightmare) tried to find some people for a new production of the bumper addon, but there weren´t enough people interested in buying this thing.

@Benne had a Xantia X2. He had this thing as well. You could try to give Benne a message if he is willing to sell his Zender front bumper addon...

Best regards


Edited by Kugelblitz
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  • 1 year later...

Hello Xantia owners, I am also looking for that Zender spoiler for my X2 but here in Czech rep it is impossible to find it. Any idea where to buy? Thanks for any info and have a  nice day.

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