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Dear Citroën friends around the globe,

We are happy to send you the second ICCCR13 newsletter today. With this newsletter, we'd

like to update you on the latest issues concerning THE Citroën event of the year,

the 13th International Citroën Car Club Rallye (ICCCR)


+ + + LAST CHANCE for early bookers discounts + + +

All participants who register for the 13th ICCCR before April 30, 2004 will profit from these

special discounts:

- rail journey Interlaken West - Jungfraujoch and back: 18% off!

instead of regular price of 170 CHF/115 EUR: discount ticket for 140 CHF / 95 EUR


- cable car journey Interlaken Ost - Harder Kulm and back: 53% off!

instead of regular price of 21CHF/14 EUR: discount ticket for 10 CHF / 6.5 EUR


- rail journey Wilderswil (ICCCR-Site) - Schynige Platte and back: 58% off!

instead of regular price of 59 CHF/40 EUR: discount ticket for 25 CHF /17 EUR



Hotel reservation with Interlaken Congress

If you're looking for a place to stay in Interlaken, we would like to draw your attention to our

accommodation partner organisation Interlaken Congress. Up until June 18, 2004, a special

contingency of rooms is held for ICCCR participants. Interlaken Congress will be happy to

arrange your booking for the time prior, during and after the event. The respective reservation

form is available online at http://www.icccr.org/lodgings_en.html

Please contact Interlaken Congress as soon as your plan to join the ICCCR is fixed, the earlier

you make your reservation the larger the choice of rooms will be.


Questions? Please use our FAQ and NEWS pages

We recommend you check out our frequently asked questions and news pages if you have any

question regarding e.g. the ICCCR camping, how to register for the Concours d'Elégance, which

route to take to get to Interlaken, what's new on the website, what you can do to support us,

finding out about programme updates etc.

FAQ: http://www.icccr.org/faq_en.html

News: http://www.icccr.org/news_en.html


Discussion forum about the 13th ICCCR at Yahoo groups

At http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ICCCR13-L/ you will now find an internet discussion forum

for everyone keen on joining the upcoming Citroën World Meeting and wanting to arrange joint

journeys to Interlaken, getting to know each other, exchanging views and opinions on the 13th

ICCCR etc.

This forum, which has been generously set up by our hostmaster Blair Anderson, is free for

everyone to use (you just have to sign in with a name and password you'll easily remember).

We encourage everyone to use this forum to organise their journey to and from Interlaken, to

see sights on the way, to plan excursions to the Berner Oberland while at the meeting etc.

Several participants are now planning ahead, for example taking the ferry across the British

channel, arranging motorail / DB Autozug transports from Denmark / northern Germany,

convoys from Prague and other locations in Eastern Europe, gathering in the Burgundy region

and making a joint approach to Interlaken via the Jura hills and so on.


Meet the ICCCR organisers this weekend at CitroMobile / Utrecht NL The CitroMobile

will be the last leg of our european ICCCR promotion tour. Over the weekend of

May 1-2, 2004, you have again the chance to talk to the organisers of the World Citroën

Meeting in person!

We're looking forward to your visit and of course to your personal registration then and there -

remember, this is the most cost-efficient way to pay your entry fees to the ICCCR (cash, visa/mc

welcome). All later modes of remote financial transaction will involve money transfer charges of

some kind.

For more information on CitroMobile, visit http://www.citromobile.nl/ENGELS.HTM


Your registration counts!

As the organisation of ICCCR13 has not received any substantial financial backing to date and

as many an obligation has to be met before the meeting, we depend on as many timely

registrations as possible.

That's why we are most grateful if you make that commitment and register today - by doing so,

you are vitally contributing in making the 13th ICCCR the success we all want to see and


You can actively support and actively live the unique experience of the largest and most

diverse Citroën meeting by registering today at http://www.icccr.org/registration_en.html.

Looking forward to seeing you in Interlaken,

the 13th ICCCR organisation committee


The ICCCR newsletter is published monthly prior to the 13th Citroën World Meeting in Interlaken

and is sent to Citroën fans, clubs and journals worldwide.

Do you know of friends, club members or relatives who would also like to receive this

information? Thank you for sharing this information by encouraging your buddies to either sign

up for our free newsletter (http://www.icccr.org/contact_en.html) or by participating


If you would not like to receive this newsletter in the future, please send us an e-mail containing

'unsubscribe_ICCCR_newsletter' in the subject line:


Copyright 2004 by13th ICCCR Switzerland

Editor: Olivier Sobotkiewicz, ICCCR Liaison Officer mailto:newsletter@icccr.org - http://www.icccr.org


Weitere Anfragen hierzu bitte direkt an die Organisatoren - Kontakt siehe deren Website - www.icccr.org

mit citrophilem Gruss in die CH


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Clubleitung des André Citroën Clubs
Stéphane Bonutto und Sven Winter

Postfach 230041
55051 Mainz

Clubzentrale in Mainz
Ralf Claus
Telefon: +49 6136 – 40 85 017
Telefax: +49 6136 – 92 69 347
E-Mail: zentrale@andre-citroen-club.de

Anschrift des Clubleiters:

Sven Winter
Eichenstr. 16
65779 Kelkheim/Ts.

E – Mail: sven.winter@andre-citroen-club.de
Telefon: +49 1515 7454578

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Martin Stahl
In den Vogelgärten 7
71397 Leutenbach

E-Mail: admin@andre-citroen-club.de

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