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Having a look at the reproduced position lights for the Citroen XM from Technocitro (veilleuses avant Citroen XM refabriquée)


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vor 19 Minuten schrieb Kugelblitz:

Ich versuch meinem Umfeld ja immer beizubringen, dass anschauen auch ohne anfassen möglich ist...

Solange niemand (wie meine 2,5 jährige Nichte, Anm.) meint, einen Stein auf den XM werfen zu müssen...

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Hallo @schwinge,

Noch einmal auf Englisch, ein bisschen müde nach Xantia 30. Geburtstag... :)

I'm not criticizing you directly but just making aware of consequences for small businesses (they often are) who launch such initiatives. It was certainly not your intention. Just to make you aware because that is a risk. Thanks for your positive reaction :)

A bit more details about hoses : we ordered 15 kits to FLEXEO, a French reseller of Silicon hoses. I guess he can ask for lower numbers but the unitary price will rise. The price highly depends on the kit complexity, it's never very high compared to original hoses. We could have the full set of Turbo CT silicon hoses for ~300€ (with a very low overhead on our side for those who provided original hoses for the project).


The problem is to have a significant number of motivated people for a full set of identical ones. You can gather people. Then, who invests in it : a Club helps a lot - and we are lucky that we have a community who respects its commitments.

Xantia V6 manual hoses are for this year, the prototype will arrive next week hopefully (and one of the two extra pipes for automatic gearbox already exists in their shop).

Same goes for engine mountings. 182721 is the one you are looking for I guess. And it's awfully specific. For strut tops, for example, the minimal order quantity was 600 to bear the tooling costs. If we aim at producing antiroll bar bushings, the minimal order quantity is 2'000 parts at the same provider (the price is really low, but I will have lots of door stops at home : we will never sell that many parts).

You have a chance though. Some major providers already made it, like Impergom. They might still have tools. I'm trying to reach them with an Italian friend for another Activa part they once did. If we get it through with a reasonable price/quantity, I'll let you know - but I already know they won't let you order less than 2k€ of parts at once. If you can gather enough people, it can be meaningful; in France there are not many beloved 2.5TD,  most are at the end of their life waiting for their expansion tank to fail one last time, but there could still be some.

I completely agree with your personal note (even if I tried other colors, including Mauritius !).

Bearbeitet von tom pouce
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I'd be more than happy to spend 2k on coolant hoses just for my three 2.5TDs. Sounds like a better option than to be stranded on the hard shoulder of the Autobahn in the middle of the night far away from home and possibly with a blown engine. A set for the 2.5TD would propably add up to 600-750 € if I extrapolate from the information you gave in your posting.
If you should be running reproductions for the XM ES9J4 BVA/BVM, make sure to keep us informed. I'd be interested in a few sets of those as well.

2k on motor mounts is a whole different story, sadly, since this is more a question of driving comfort than security. I'd take 5 mounts, regardless the price, but I wouldn't have use for more. And yes, 182721 is the part number. SASIC also produced a replacement part (SASIC 8271211), but I don't expect it to turn out to be fruitful to contact SASIC about it. I tried to reach out to them in the past, did not even receive a response from them. Looks like I am going to try to make my own from PU should the need arise.
If it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, then please feel free to get some info from Impergom regarding the possibility and estimated cost of a reproduction run.

Again, I can't thank you enough for putting in the effort!


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I fully agree with you, and some (not completely wrong) people could say that I build parts as per the own failures of my good old Activa TCT :)

The fact is that they most often outsell, so it does not look too egoistic. But as we are an Activa Club, we keep Xantia as a top priority. :D

It really depends on the provider for the engine mountings. You can ask to "reachable" providers opened to small series if they can reproduce parts. 3RG Industrial in Spain; I will let you know about Impergom. SASIC is difficult to reach yes.

For hoses, from what I can see there is not that much work compared to the TCT set. It should not be extremely expensive.

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Am 5.3.2023 um 23:48 schrieb tom pouce:

(and one of the two extra pipes for automatic gearbox already exists in their shop)

where is the shop? Do you have a link?

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They don't have Xantia hoses on their shop. Here for 406 : https://motorstore.fr/shop/fr/669-406 - I know they have the gearbox-to-engine one, a friend of mine changed all his hoses.

For all Xantia-specific ones, a bit of patience, they will be tested on an Activa in a few days, and if OK, we will order a batch (quantity will be checked of course).

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