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BX Leader

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First of all, sorry for writing in English, as my German is not good. However, you can reply in German, I'll manage somwehow.

Can you please help me find the following information:

My 1986 BX Leader (Chassis serial no: VF7XBXD0019XD4161, serie 1, ORGA no 3378) is imported from Germany and has 150 J engine (serial No 0684734). Its original German manual is from 1985 and lists 14 E/RE tech specs, claiming that 14 RE power output is 49 kW/68 HP and that both leaded and unleaded gasoline can be used (150 F engine). This power rating is repeated in original German Leader commercial brochure from 1986, without engine type, but with unleaded gasoline (normalbenzin bleifrei) reference. In my Leader's registration card, 52 kW power output is stated. I contacted www.Citroen.com, and only information I got from them regarding 150 J engine is that I can use 95 and 98 unleaded. So far, I used leaded 95, but, to switch to unleaded, I need appropriate idle speed and ignition advance timing setting. I checked my timing with a flashgun and it is not 10° as for 150 C running on leaded. In Haynes BX manual, 150 C engine is covered in great detail, but no reference to 150 J engine. Therefore, can you please provide as much information as possible, particularly differences between 150 C and J engine. Is the carburetor Solex 32-34 Z2 CIT 348 or different (I don't have type label)? If different, what are the differences between that carburetor and Solex 32-34 Z2 CIT 348? My gearbox is 3 BS 09. Is it much different from BH3 types described in Haynes? Can my car be towed?

I tried many instances already for this information but without ANY success, so I am posting this question at this forum.

Best regards,

Branislav Radovanovic,

Belgrade, Yu

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Hi Rüdiger,

nach meinen Unterlagen sind es 10° bei 850 u/min vor OT ohne Unterdruck. Ich schick Dir das auch mal zu.

Hi Branislav,

you have eMail. May it helps you, it's all the Information i have. If you need further informations, then i will try to get it.

Best >> Regards


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