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DiagBox v7.77 Update & Language Change

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I am from Ireland, I actually joined to tell you about the proceedure I wrote on upgrading DiagBox Version 7.76 to 7.77. And that I managed to fix that and I have published the procedure on a number of sites. the installation is on Windows 10 B10576 32bit, but I tried it on XP, 7 and 8.1 also and it works.

I dont mean to break the rules, but I could not attached photos or files, but I will give a links:

The updt_77u.zip file (genuine download from PSA)


Photo 1 & 2 in German



Chinese (I dont speak Chinese but I did it for fun).:


Upgrade to DiagBox v7.77 (if you have upgraded to 7.76) the file is attached above.

Please notice that this is intended for educational and/or experimental purposes and that you perform any or all the below procedures at your own risk. I hold no responsibility for any issue you may face.

Procedure (Offline Update):

1- Go to C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\ and create another copy of cashe folder naming it cashe.org.

2- Download the attached "updt_77u.zip" file, Expand it and copy the contents of the updt_77 forder to C:\AWRoot\dtwr\updt\ directly, replacing and overwriting existing files and folders.

3- Run DiagBox, it will start the upgrade process, when it finishes successfully click ok, it will run for the first time and will give 9 or 10 error message, keep clicking ok until DiagBox closes down.

4- Copy the 13 files that start with “fr.actia.AWF.xxxxxxx.dll” from cashe.org into the (empty) C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\cashe\ folder.

5- Run DiagBox and it will run successfully.

Changing DiagBox, Lexia nd PP2000 Language (tested on v7.76 and v7.77) and this is how to do it:

Once again, This is for educational and experimental use, and I hold no responsibility for any improper usage or damage to your system..

For DiagBox:

1- Open the File Explorer and navigate to "C:\AWRoot\dtrd\trans\", find the file "Language.ini" and create a copy "Language.ini.org".

Open the file Language.ini and under [LANGUAGE], change "Current=en_GB" to "Current=fr_FR" and save (I commented the original and added the change).




For Lexia:

2a- Navigate to "C:\APP\LEXIA\EXE\" find the file "langue.ini" and create a copy "langue.ini.org".

Open the file "langue.ini" and under [DicoMap], change all "%LG%" to FR (I commented the original 4 lines and added changed 4 lines).










2b- Navigate to "C:\APPLIC\LCTLEX3\", find the file "Dico.txt" and create a copy named "Dico.txt.org".

Open the file "Dico.txt" and change the line "Dico=THELEXGB.DBZ" to "Dico=THELEXFR.DBZ"



For PP2000:

3- If you wish to change PP2000, Navigate to "C:\APP\OutilRep\exe\", find the file "Dico.txt" and create a copy named "Dico.txt.org". Open the file "Dico.txt" and change the line "Dico=THESAUFR.DBZ" to "Dico=THESAU**.DBZ", where ** is any of the 20 available languages

Please notice that English=GB, French=FR and German=AL (French naming not unicode).

There are other incidents of "en_GB" that I changed to "fr_FR" in my installation. But I think the above is enough to get you working, you can find them in the INI and few java files....

You can also use a script to blanket change "en_GB" to "fr_FR" but be careful, because some listing are definitions for language codepages like Arabic or German etc.., and other coding is non-unicode/standard. But if you dont care and other languages are not needed, you could have a go (make backups of the files before touching them).

Enjoy the Multilingual version of DiagBox 7.xx

Bearbeitet von Simple
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