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CX Workshops In Munich Area?


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Hi everyone

I've been living for a little over a year in Germany so excuse me having to write this in English:)

I just bought a 1980 CX Athena and would like to ask if anyone can recommend a mechanic/specialist and someone I can rely on located in the Munich area.

Closer to Munich the better, even just anyone that you trust with general oldtimer maintenance?

Also would be happy to meet up with people from the forum.



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Hi Dimitar,

welcome to the ACCM forum. That's a slick looking CX you got there!

For a CX specialist in the Munich area, I suggest you get in touch with @junkerjakobRegarding meetups, the next upcoming event would be the Herbsttreffen im Taunus. Usually once a year, there are also smaller, privately organized events from forum members held in Herzfelde (Berlin) and Stadtoldendorf (Lower Saxony) that tailor the CX community.

Looking for repair manuals or documentation? Have a look here: http://ckc.dk/cgi/catlist?

Should you be planning on visiting the Meißen/Dresden area (East Germany/Saxony) at some point in the future, don't hesitate to shoot me a PM in case you'd like to meet up or would like to have some input on nice places to check out.

Best regards,

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Welcome to the CX-community and congratulations to your really nice CX!

I have just looked up the list of mechanists from the CX-magazine "DIRAVI" but unfortunately the closest mechanic to Munich is www.Citroen-Groetzinger.de in Stuttgart. There is of course the www.cx-basis.de near Karlsruhe but you may also check with the www.cx-club.de. They might have contacts closer to Munich. 

The Andre Citroën Club holds an annual meeting together with the CX-Club in Westhofen/Rheinhessen for decades. It takes place at https://www.weingut-orb.de. This year we will meet July 7.-9. There is no website or anything but you can just go there, camp at the site or take a room at the nice hotel (https://am-morstein.de) down the street. At the meeting you will find many interesting people with a lot of CX-knowledge and will by the way experience a most relaxing weekend in a beautiful area. People come here from as far es Switzerland or Netherlands. There will certainly be someone with contacts to Munich.

The CX-Club organizes several meetings every year, including drive outs to different areas in Germany. Just contact armin.obert@cx-club.de for more information. 

Would be nice to meet you in Westhofen!

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10 hours ago, schwinge said:

Hi Dimitar,

welcome to the ACCM forum. That's a slick looking CX you got there!

For a CX specialist in the Munich area, I suggest you get in touch with @junkerjakobRegarding meetups, the next upcoming event would be the Herbsttreffen im Taunus. Usually once a year, there are also smaller, privately organized events from forum members held in Herzfelde (Berlin) and Stadtoldendorf (Lower Saxony) that tailor the CX community.

Looking for repair manuals or documentation? Have a look here: http://ckc.dk/cgi/catlist?

Should you be planning on visiting the Meißen/Dresden area (East Germany/Saxony) at some point in the future, don't hesitate to shoot me a PM in case you'd like to meet up or would like to have some input on nice places to check out.

Best regards,

Thank you for the information! I will definitely get in touch with him. Everything seems to work well but there is a small hydraulic leak and I would like to have it looked over by someone who knows these cars well.  The paint has many defects but apart from the bottom of the doors everything seems pretty rust-free. The sills, floor and frame look really solid for such a car. Here are some more pictures.




I believe the seats are from a Prestige. I have to find the sphere ashtray to finish the interior. Also the radio isn't working I'm thinking of removing the door cards to check the speakers.



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Nice car. By the way: The radiator grill isn‘t the original one.

Bearbeitet von margia2
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Yes, the seats are from Prestige, if you need the ashpot i can give you one for, hmmm, let's say 25,-€ including shipping. 

Safe travels, cheers!

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59 minutes ago, margia2 said:

Nice car. By the way: The radiator grill isn‘t the original one.

Yes, I'm looking for an original one. I prefer it much more than the 84-85 plastic grille it currently has.

Bearbeitet von Dimitar
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39 minutes ago, Dimitar said:

Yes, I'm looking for an original one. I prefer it much more than the 84-85 plastic grille it currently has.

Oh, we can exchange one, i need the newer version for my Pallas IE. Somewhere in the near future i need to travel to southern bavaria, that would be a perfect situation to exchange them.

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37 minutes ago, Manson said:

Oh, we can exchange one, i need the newer version for my Pallas IE. Somewhere in the near future i need to travel to southern bavaria, that would be a perfect situation to exchange them.

That would be perfect. Let me know when you do.

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Am 10.6.2023 um 00:42 schrieb Dimitar:

Closer to Munich the better, even just anyone that you trust with general oldtimer maintenance?

Also would be happy to meet up with people from the forum.

Hi Dimitar, if you seek contact to Citroën Enthusiasts in the region around Munich, you could also have a look at the upper bavarian section of the  cvc-club, see here: https://cvc-club.de/8-1-bayern-sued/. There are monthly Meetings, located close to Munich, and other club activities. If you like, don't hesitate to get in contact - you are welcome!

Best regards, Andreas 

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Stéphane Bonutto und Sven Winter

Postfach 230041
55051 Mainz

Clubzentrale in Mainz
Ralf Claus
Telefon: +49 6136 – 40 85 017
Telefax: +49 6136 – 92 69 347
E-Mail: zentrale@andre-citroen-club.de

Anschrift des Clubleiters:

Sven Winter
Eichenstr. 16
65779 Kelkheim/Ts.

E – Mail: sven.winter@andre-citroen-club.de
Telefon: +49 1515 7454578

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Martin Stahl
In den Vogelgärten 7
71397 Leutenbach

E-Mail: admin@andre-citroen-club.de

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