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Looking for H-type citroen garages in Stuttgart area


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I'm looking for a Citroen garage in the Stuttgart area in case my HY/ACA/XM is desperately in need of one. Anyone any suggestoins?

I know "Der Franzose", but are there any more?



ps, I don't mind replies in German, you would mind reading my German, though ;)

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Hello ree_ok, in witch area from Stuttgart you are? There are much citroen garages around Stuttgart. The most are OK, so they are in the past very small garages and they begin with citroen in they 60th. The Bosses do on this time the work themselves. If you want adresses so answer. Exquse my english. I lost the scholl for about 40 years.

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  • 2 Wochen später...


Sorry for my late reply, I have been on holidays ;) Your english is better than my German, so don't worry!

I live in Stuttgart Süd, near the end of the Heslach tunnel and the Marienplatz. A very nice place to live: 3 2cv within 100 meters and a beautiful CX ambulance!

I did find a "autoteile" shop at the Wilhelmsplatz. They don't mind working on Frensh cars, but that's not what I'm lookin for. I find them too expensive in their spare parts as well.

If you have some addresses, I would really like to have them. At least I can just go and visit them if I have some sparte time.



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Hello, when You live in the southern part of Stuttgart there is a Citroen Garage in S-Vaihingen named Citroen Grötzinger. Its a good garage but like all garages expensive.

I don´t understand what do You need exactly. I understand You have a HY, also a ACA and a XM. When You all cars yuse, so its very expensive, if You don´t do the services Yoursélf.

When You need pieces You will all become at the garage. But if You need some informations, so You find als in the forum. If I can help You, You must only ask.



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I don't know what I need eiter :)

I do the maintanance myself, but in case it gets too much or friends coming over this summer are in need of a garage I just want to know what's in the area so I don't need to find out at the latest moment.

I'll go and have a look in the Citroen garage in Vaihingen, just to get a feeling. And to see if they have nice cars hidden somewhere...



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Hy Raymond,

I think You will be the sensation, when You go with Your HY for Citroen-Grötzinger in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. Your HY is in a very good situation. compliment.


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okay, maybe this may help: In Dettingen unter Teck, about 25 km from stuttgart cty limits (way down the A8 towards Munich), there is a garage called "Benz", right in the middle of this small village (you can´t miss it, it´s surrounded by several citroen cars). The guy who runs this garage is an expert for 2cv, but also for H-types and XM (because he himself has got one). I bet that he´s much cheaper than the official citroen garages in the stuttgart area, and I know definitely that several H-type and 2cv lovers frequently get to Mr. Benz from far away to get their cars fixed.

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  • 2 Wochen später...
Hello, when You live in the southern part of Stuttgart there is a Citroen Garage in S-Vaihingen named Citroen Grötzinger.

Well, the alternator of my XM failed late yesterday night, and off course I only noticed once the battery was completely finished so I was not able to move the car in any way. Tried to search for a new battery so I could at least drive home, but no petrol station nearby sold one.

The ADAC offered to bring the car to a Citroen garage nearby, but I convinced hem to drive to Vaihingen for me ;)

There was only one 2CV and one XM in front of the garage, the rest was newer. Aslo one C6...



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So, my XM is back... Don't know why I report in het H section, but anyway.

What I did like:

- Very good service.

- Good indication of the total price beforehand.

What I did not like:

- Price of the alternator was 1.5 times the price I would pay if I buy it (new) elsewhere.

- I did not get my old one back to revise (for 15 euro's and one hour work it would be like new). They said the price was including return of the old one.

- It took them 4 manhours to replace it! I asked if it was more difficult than expected, but it was not. That's far to much for an experienced car mechanic.

Anyway, I have nothing to complain about because they did the work for the offered price, and the service was good. But mainly because of my last point, I will try out another place next time.



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