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cx 2500 gti turbo2 warm start

erik postelmans

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erik postelmans

Dear friends, a question from Denmark. Unfortunately my German is not too good, so my question is in English. For many years I drove with great pleasure a cx 2200 trs but due to a truckdriver who didn't appreciate the beauty of my cx, the car was declared a total loss after the accident. Fortunately I was able to buy a cx 2500 gti turbo II this spring. But... the engine will not start when it is warm/hot. First at an oil temperature of about 56C it starts without any problems. Quite irritating when you've been shopping for only about 15 min. What could be the problem? Do not hesitate to answer in German. I read it much better than I can write it.

Greetings from Copenhagen, Erik

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Hi Erik,

do you start the engine in the right way?

When starting the warm engine, you should not give full throttle before starting (sometime neccessary with carburetors).

During the start with warm engine, you should give a bit throttle.

If it isn't the wrong way of starting it could two components you could check:

There is a fuel pressure regulator which is controlled by underpressure. If a pipe is not tight, the start problem might occure.

In addition there is an cold strat enrichment (Kaltstartanreicherung). Here you could check the valve, the relais or the timing switch.

Here in the forum you might contact "Mads-citronaut". He is very knowledgeable - and is Danish. Try to contact him - he knows our CXes very well.

Bearbeitet von Uwe-AB
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ACCM Andreas Abel

Hi Erik,

the behavior you described is also very typical for a slowly dying flywheel sensor. Engine starts in cold condition but not anymore when warm. Problem disappears again after some cool-down. Original replacements are quite expensive and not more reliable. Some time ago there has been a proposal to use a Ford part as suitable replacement (needs some mechanical rework to fit):




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